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Make a one-time or recurring monthly donation by clicking the "Donate" button below and following the instructions. Note: To use a credit card, you'll need to click on "continue" once the form opens up.
Your donation helps support the ministries of Manna Fellowship Church.
Contact Don Wickstra With Any Question:
Online Giving
A message from your Deacon’s;
Dear Family, during this time of a world health crisis we want you to know that you are all in the prayers of the leadership at Manna. We are praying for sustained good health and healing, for patience and perseverance, for peace and protection and above all for all of you to keep at the forefront of your mind that the King reigns despite all these things.
Having stated the obvious, we also want you to know we are here for you. If you find yourself in need of anything, crisis related or other, we want to help. Please reach out to me if you have an emergency and need our assistance. I will enlist our team to follow up with you and support you with your specific need. If I can’t pick up, please leave a message.
We do not have all the answers to what our short-term plans will include but we are meeting to decide and will communicate through these channels when we do have something to share. In the meantime, kindly remember that even though we are not meeting like “normal” the financial responsibilities of the church continue, and we appreciate your generosity and faithfulness to His calling of support for Manna.
Blessings to you and yours, stay safe and well.
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If you'd like someone to contact you about volunteering, please fill out the form below. We're excited you want to be involved!